July 26, 2012, - 1:56 pm
Alex Gilady: Meet the Jewish Israeli IOC Kapo Behind the Olympic Refusal to Remember Slain Israeli Athletes
Israel’s and the Jews worst enemies are not Muslims. They are Israel and the Jews. And so it goes with Alex Gilady, Israel’s member of the International Olympic Committee, one of the biggest sellouts of Israel and the Jewish people in contemporary times. A multi-millionaire, he acquired his wealth by selling out Israel and the Jewish people to Egypt and the International Olympic Committee. And now he’s done it again by leading the opposition to an Olympic memorial to the Israeli athletes murdered in cold blood by Islamic terrorists at the Munich Olympics. While historically, the IOC refuses to remember these slain athletes, Blessed Be Their Memories, to appease Muslims and Islamic nations, this time around, they have a Jew, officially representing Israel, leading the cause.

For more than two decades, I’ve been speaking out about the outrageous International Olympic Committee refusal to memorialize the Israeli athletes slain at the Munich Olympic Games in 1972. And while the Olympic Games have a near-century history of anti-Semitism from Avery Brundage to Jacques Rogge, this time around the refusal to recognize the Israeli athletes who gave their lives for this over-hyped, meaningless faux-amateur sports-fest rests not just on Rogge and the IOC’s pandering to Muslims. Nope, this time around, it’s Israel’s Jewish representative to the IOC, Gilady, who is leading the charge with Rogge, to deny these slaughtered athletes some recognition as the victims of Islamic terrorism. Like many of the corruptocrat Israelis appointed by Israel to the IOC, Mr. Gilady is a far-left journalist who is more interested in money and riches than doing the right thing for his country.
Alex Gilady, a Sephardic Jew born in Muslim Iran, would clearly be an uber-kapo if the Holocaust were going on today, instead of the London Olympic Games. Israel’s TV news and newspapers are notoriously self-hating, anti-Israel, and far-left. And Gilady came up through those ranks. He worked for Israel’s state-run TV and also for Yediot Ahronot, both of which were and continue to be as anti-Israel as the mainstream media here. His uber-liberal “journalism” is the reason he was granted the first Israeli passport to Egypt. He was rewarded with this because he was a non-stop pimp for the Camp David Peace Accords and the amputation of the Sinai to Egypt in exchange for a piece of paper that is especially meaningless now that the Muslim Brotherhood took over (an easily predictable development). And since he played his loyal role for the left in Israel’s press, the liberal Yitzchak Rabin-led Israeli government in 1993 rewarded Mr. Gilady with a sweetheart, no-competitive-bid deal to buy and run Israel’s first privately-owned television station. That’s made him rich beyond his wildest dreams, and his television station regularly spouted anti-Israel leftism. But all of that was after, he’d already made a mint by doing business with the International Olympic Committee as a European Union journalist (and we all know how anti-Israel the EU is) and as an employee of NBC, since 1981. He was NBC’s liaison to the IOC and its Vice President of Global Operations. Gilady was instrumental in getting the network its exclusive long-term deal to broadcast the Olympics in the U.S. through 2008, which made him big bucks. And you don’t get those broadcast rights and the big bucks that come with them, by pushing the Olympics to recognize slain Israeli athletes. By the way, NBC’s approval was necessary for Gilady to own the Israeli television station while he remained on the network’s payroll. And that approval was easily granted because, hey, he’d never advocate for Israeli memorials at the Olympics and jeopardize NBC’s Olympic megabucks. Yes, this is clearly not a man who will ever represent Israeli interests on the IOC, but rather his own left-wing and bank account interests.
And the relatives of the slain Israeli athletes say that Mr. Gilady is not only just one vote against memorializing the Israeli athletes at the Olympics. He’s the leading force against it, they say. And they’re right. Sources say Mr. Gilady–along with Mr. Rogge–aggressively lobbied all other members of the IOC to vote against an official memorial at the London Games. Gilady claims that he voted against it because he’s afraid of a backlash. Uh-huh . . . a backlash against his bank account. His stark conflicts of interest should have disqualified Gilady from ever being nominated by Israel to serve on the IOC. But that’s what Israel does: never missing an opportunity for self-flagellation. It’s Jewish guilt on steroids. And a shtetl mentality that should have died with the Holocaust, but sadly was nurtured by its memories.
Israel’s IOC member, Alex Gilady, is among those opposed to having a moment of silence in the London opening ceremony, a stand many in his country find incomprehensible.
Gilady’s rationale is simple: he remembers when Israel was thrown out of the Asian Olympic Association in 1981 and could not get another continental sports affiliation until the efforts of people including Rogge helped Israel become a member of the European Olympic Committees in 1994. Gilady fears a moment of silence will create a backlash endangering Israel’s place in international sport.
Actually that’s not “simple” at all. More simple is the truth: Alex Gilady has financial (and ideologically far left) interests that trump Israeli and Jewish interests and he has no biz being Israel’s representative to anything.
“I believe I am acting in best interest of Israeli sport,” Gilady said in a telephone interview. “For me, the most important thing at the moment is that Israel have stages to compete on….I hope the moment will come we can have appropriate commemoration in the Olympic stadium for the Israelis killed in Munich.”
When might that be?
“When we have a better environment,” he said. “When there is peace.”
[Ankie] Spitzer [widow of murdered Munich Olympic Israeli coach, Andre Spitzer], 66, a Middle East correspondent for Dutch and Belgian television networks, calls Gilady, “the main obstacle.”
What utter bullcrap (by Gilady)!
Again, the Jews’ and Israel’s worst enemies are themselves. Not Iran, not Islam, but the dhimmitude and kapoism to which they incomprehensibly insist on clinging. It says a lot that NBC’s face of the Olympics, Bob Costas (a true mensch, despite being a liberal), and even anti-Israel Barack Hussein Obama advocate a moment of silence and a memorial for the slain Israeli athletes, but Israel’s Israeli In Name Only representative to the IOC actively worked to stop it. He’s the guy who’d be shoving you and me into the ovens for an extra cup of potato gruel in Auschwitz.
With “friends” like Alex Gilady, who needs Iran and other Islamic enemies? If only we could send him back in time and trade him for the Israelis in that poorly-secured Olympic dormitory in Munich.
But that would be too kind.
For more information, check out the Munich Eleven website and join our Facebook Group, “The IOC Should Memorialize the Israeli Athletes Murdered by Islamic Terrorists in Munich.”
Tags: Alex Gilady, Andre Spitzer, Ankie Spitzer, International Olympic Committee, IOC, Israel, Israeli, Israeli Member of the IOC, Israeli Olympic Athletes, Israeli representative to the IOC, Jews, London Olympics, Munich massacre, Munich Olympics, NBC, Olympic Games, Olympics, shtetl mentatlity, slain Israeli athletes
What a disgrace that Gilady is. Thanks for this story, Debbie.
DS_ROCKS! on July 26, 2012 at 2:09 pm