April 19, 2013, - 8:56 am
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev & Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Chechen Muslim Terrorists & U.S. Immigrants – DREAM Act “Kids”; Amnesty Candidate
So, now, we know. The two men who perpetrated Monday’s Boston Marathon terrorist attack are Islamic terrorists from Chechnya (Russia) who emigrated from there to the United States. They were brothers. One, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, is dead, and the other, Dzokhar (or Dzhokhar or Djohar) Tsarnaev, is a fugitive, so the entire Boston area is shut down, as he might be armed with a suicide vest. I note that every single major news broadcast only refers to these guys as “Chechnyan” or “Chechen” terrorists, NOT Islamic terrorists, which is what they are. Remember all those people locked in a Russian theater–including lots of women and children–who were blown up by Chechnyan Islamic terrorists? Same people. Oh, and they are tied to Al-Qaeda and its worldwide network of nationalist Islamic terrorist groups. Same old jihad. Remember, THIS. IS. ISLAM.
DREAM Act “Kids”! . . .

“allah is the One” . . .

The two of them came here several years ago and Tamerlan had a “Green Card” a/k/a “Legal Permanant Residence,” which means he basically had the green light to get U.S. citizenship. So, do we really need Marco Boob-io’s and his Senate Gangbang of Eight’s immigration amnesty bill so that more like the Tsarnaev Bros get “a pathway to citizenship”? Only if you’re a moron and want to see the end of America. These are the “DREAM Act” kids we’re told are “American like us in ever way except on paper,” to use Barack Obama’s BS words. Tsarnaev was raised here in American culture, coming here at age seven. And look how much he loved America. He murdered and maimed hundreds of Americans, after apparently receiving some sort of paramilitary training along with his brother. He learned this hate from his parents . . . just as hundreds of thousands of Muslim kids around America learn this hatred of this country from their parents, despite being given every opportunity, every freedom here. His online profile says his “worldview” is “Islam.” And we saw that worldview on display in practice, this week.
I’m sure I’ll hear a million attempts in the next days from Arab Muslims in Dearbornistan and elsewhere that “he’s not Arab” in order to differentiate themselves from this fellow Muslim of theirs. But make no mistake. This is the “Religion of Peace,” baby!
How long ’til federal, state, and local governments, Hollywood, the media, and all aspects and institutions of American culture start bending over backward–and forward–to Islam and Muslims in America for the privilege and pleasure of being victims of the “Religion of Pieces”? 3-2-1 . . .
Vladimir Putin knows how to deal with these animals–bomb them to hell. Sadly, that ain’t the American dhimmi way.
*** MORE:
Tamerlan Tsarnaev, the 26 year-old brother of the second Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, had a YouTube page where he posted religious videos, including a video of Feiz Mohammad, a fundamentalist Australian Muslim preacher who rails against the evils of Harry Potter. Among those videos is one dedicated to the prophecy of the Black Banners of Khurasan which is embraced by Islamic extremists—particularly Al Qaeda. The videos posted on what appears to be Tsarnaev’s YouTube page may shed light on the motivations for the attack on the Boston Marathon. The prophecy states that an invincible army will come from the region of “Khurasan,” a large portion of territory in central Asia.
“This is a major hadith (reported saying of the prophet Muhammad) that jihadis use, it is essentially an end-time prophecy,” says Aaron Zelin, a fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Zelin is minimizing this. The Hadith of Islam, considered the word of Mohammed by all Muslims, are considered as important and binding on Muslims as the koran. They are not just used by jihadists as justifications for extremism. They are used by ALL Muslims as justification for their religion’s hatred, extremism, and violence.
Tags: amnesty, Boston Marathon attacks, Chechen terrorists, Chechnya, Djohar Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Islam, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Islamic terrorist, Dzohar Tsarnaev, Dzokhar Tsarnaev, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Islamic terrorists, Jihad, Massachusetts, Watertown
@Charity shop
Islam has already opened our eyes Charity, just not in the way you wanted.
We’d wouldn’t trade the American dream for the Islamic dream in a million years so go to hell where you belong.
Frankz on April 19, 2013 at 12:35 pm