August 12, 2014, - 8:59 am
Robin Williams Wished Israel a Happy 60th Birthday (VIDEO)
You may have seen the late Robin Williams’ name on lists of pro-Israel celebrities that have been published in the last several years and especially during the current Israeli defensive war against HAMAS. He’s on those lists because, in 2008, Williams appeared in a video with other celebs (including Tom Cruise, the great Jon Voight, Elle and Dakota Fanning, etc.) to wish Israel a Happy 60th Birthday. The video, below, was played on billboards in Times Square on Israel’s 60th Birthday in May 2008.

Watch the Video(turn down the volume to skip the silly background music, which was not part of the original video–Williams is on the video at about 48 seconds in):
Williams’ appearance in this video was (and remains) significant because Williams–who was not Jewish (or even half-Jewish, as the urban legends often claimed)–stuck his neck out to express support for Israel when it was no longer fashionable to do so, most markedly for Jewish celebrities, including Barbra Streisand, who used to be openly pro-Israel but were and are no longer. That took courage. And, clearly, he had it then, if not yesterday.
Tags: Israel, Jews, pro-Israel celebrities, Robin Williams Israel, Robin Williams Jew, Robin Williams Jewish, Robin Williams Jews, Robin Williams pro-Israel
Rest in peace Dear one. A truly amazing talent that lifted many hearts. So tragic his own could not be lifted as well.
Yehudit18 on August 12, 2014 at 9:10 am