January 3, 2012, - 1:44 pm
Bare Naked Islam Karma: Nutjob Who Cheered CAIR Lawsuit v. Me Gets Website Removed by CAIR
A number of fringe ignoramuses, morons, and nitwits on the net are upset that the site, Bare Naked Islam, which advocated violence on mosques, was briefly suspended by WordPress at the request of HAMAS’ CAIR (and which will be dumped by WordPress after January 6th). I’m not among those upset, and, frankly, if I were WordPress, I would have taken her down long ago (and the site got a reprieve and is still up until it gets taken down for good on January 6th). This is not about compliance with sharia or censorship of speech critical of Islam, contrary to what the shameless self-promoters claim in their manufactured faux-outrage. There’s plenty you need to know about Bare Naked Islam, the site owned and operated by New York-based Bonni Benstock Intall, a complete nutjob and anti-Semite of Jewish heritage. (She doesn’t like Christians too much, either.) For instance, she called me a “terrorist” and cheered and praised the CAIR lawsuit against me, so it is karma that CAIR got her nutty website removed.

Bonni Intall and her Bare Naked Islam praised attacks on French mosques–she said, “WOO HOO!” and left up comments urging more of them, apparently because she agrees with those comments. While I never shed a tear for Muslims (who are generally the aggressors against Jews and Christians and who never apologize or shed a single tear for us), I don’t advocate gratuitous violence, but Bonni Intall does. (And I immediately remove any comments advocating such violence.) That’s why her site was taken down. Free speech is not unlimited. You cannot incite violence, which is what she and her site did. WordPress would have been a defendant in a giant lawsuit if any of Intall’s readers, such as the ones who commented they’d do more attacks on the mosque, had actually followed through. I’d expect WordPress to do the same for sites that advocate violence against Jews, which are usually taken down far too slowly. Bonni Intall cast a pall on those of us who do the real work against Islam, rather than advocating violent attacks and plagiarizing articles (as she frequently did with mine, violating my copyright). Joshua Pundit has a mostly good take on this. And here’s what else Bonni Intall and her Bare Naked Islam site did (and if you support her, you are supporting all these things):
* Bonni Intall, on her site, Bare Naked Islam, called me “a terrorist,” defamation for which I will likely sue her. If she can afford to commission artists for stupid horse paintings, she can afford to pay up for deliberately defaming me in what is a very clear case of per se defamation.
* As I mentioned above, Bonni Intall, on her site, Bare Naked Islam, praised and cheered the CAIR lawsuit against me. Karma is a bitch, especially for frauds and hypocrites, Bonni.
* Bonni Intall, owner of Bare Naked Islam, attacked Orthodox Jews and mocked Jews who keep kosher. She said it’s okay for her to be anti-Semitic because her grandmother was Jewish. Uh-huh. So was Wesley Clark’s grandmother, and he used the same excuse to attack Jews.
* Bonni Intall, owner of Bare Naked Islam, doesn’t just hate Orthodox Jews, she hates Christians, too, and banned some of them on her website for being too Christian. One such banned Christian commenter wrote of Intall and Bare Naked Islam, “She is as guilty in her action as the Islamist who would subjugate those unfortunate enough to come under their power. ”
* Bonni Intall, owner of Bare Naked Islam, is an animal rights nut, who made crazy comments on this site attacking my readers who supported the legalization of horse meat. She threatened to kill and eat their dogs.
* In unsolicited, stalking e-mails to me, the nut Bonni Intall, owner of Bare Naked Islam, called me a “c*nt” (I inserted the asterisk, she didn’t) and other disgusting, low-class insults. She apparently has nothing better to do with her time.
* Bonni Intall’s Bare Naked Islam, repeatedly stole and posted original copyrighted images and articles–word for word–from this site and many others and went well beyond the fair use legal standards for commentary purposes. In fact, there is no original commentary or reporting whatsoever on that site. It’s just copy and paste. If her site goes back up, I would not be surprised if many media outlets ultimately sue her.
Bonni Intall’s site is a huge legal risk for any server or host company. Any such entity that puts her site back up will likely be a co-defendant in a lot of lawsuits, most of them legitimate. Frankly, though, given her extreme mental instability, I doubt she’d be deemed competent to stand trial.
In the same vein, the mental competence of many of her blind, ignorant defenders, such as Scamela Geller and Slobbert Spencer–who also apparently support CAIR lawsuits, attacks on Orthodox Jews, and the statement that I’m a “terrorist”–is also in question. You should also ask Carl in Jerusalem, an Orthodox Jew who praised and defended the crackpot Bonni Intall and her site, if he agrees with her attacks on his religious observances and his fellow Jews, in addition to her other crazy statements and actions noted above.
Here’s one of the classy, unsolicited stalker e-mails I got from Bonni Intall, owner of Bare Naked Islam:
Date: Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 5:01 PM
To: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.comYou are a c*nt…. You are a sick, lonely bitch.
(I inserted the asterisk in the c-word.) Yup, this is the garbage that the ignoramuses and morons are whining over–a 60-something crotchety, low-class, old, hypocritical bigot who hates Christians and Jews about as much as Muslims and is quite clearly in need of medication.
On this, the best solution would be to lock up the CAIR cretins and 72 Bonni Intalls on a desert island. After that, we’d probably see an end to jihadists seeking to go to “paradise.”

Tags: Animal Rights, anti-Semites, anti-Semitic, Bare Naked Islam, BNI, Bonni Benstock Intall, Bonni Intall, CAIR, defamation, frauds, hypocrites, incitement, inciting violence, Islam, Nutjobs, Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Scamela Geller, sharia, Slobbert Spencer, violence, wordpress
Frickin’ hilarious!
Jew-hating nutjobs and Islamists. Misery loves company.
They should be sent to a desert island and leave us out of their fight.
Now THAT would be karma!
NormanF on January 3, 2012 at 2:07 pm