Bare Naked Islam Karma: Nutjob Who Cheered CAIR Lawsuit v. Me Gets Website Removed by CAIR

Posts Tagged ‘violence’

OUTRAGE: UK Judge Frees Muslim Gang Who Kicked Woman’s Head b/c They’re “Not Used to Drinking”

Posts Tagged ‘violence’

SICKENING: Cousin of Ft Hood’s Hasan Starts Pro-Muslim Charity, Won’t Condemn Massacre

Posts Tagged ‘violence’

Told Ya: Dearbornistan Shi’ite Muslim Planned College Massacre; Had Child Porn

Posts Tagged ‘violence’

VIDEO: Muslims Threaten Israelis in Jaffa w/ Murder

Posts Tagged ‘violence’

VIDEO – When Your Fast Food Joint Goes Halal: Your Day In “Religion of Peace” “Peacefulness”

Posts Tagged ‘violence’

Wikileaks: Huge #s of UK Muslims Support Violent Jihad, Sharia; Muslims Most Likely 2B Unemployed, Claim “Disability”

Posts Tagged ‘violence’

Your Day in “Religion of Peace” American Muslim “Peacefulness”

Posts Tagged ‘violence’

Guess the Religion: Dearborn Student Threatened Wayne State

Posts Tagged ‘violence’

American OUTRAGE: Christian Faces Life in Prison for Self-Defense Against Dearborn Muslim Mob

Posts Tagged ‘violence’