July 13, 2013, - 10:27 pm
NOT GUILTY: George Zimmerman Acquitted; System Worked But Sadly Zimmerman Will Never Live in Peace
By Debbie Schlussel, “White Jew” & “Creepy Ass Cracker-ette”
The jury has spoken, and George Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges in the killing of Trayvon Martin. He is not guilty.

You have to give the jury credit here. They did the right thing amidst a lot of hype and factors that might have driven them to find him guilty of manslaughter in a clear case of self defense, a case that never should have been brought (and was only brought because of the shrill race merchantry of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the New Black Panther Party thugs).
The jury made the right decision despite constant obnoxious comments and behavior by Judge Debra Nelson and her consistently unfair rulings against George Zimmerman and his lawyers. They made the right decision despite never knowing who the real Trayvon Martin was because the judge wouldn’t allow it in–about his suspension from school, theft, drug use, harassment of the homeless, disgusting tweets, and other thuggery. Five of the six women on the jury were mothers and could have fallen for the prosecution’s constant attempts to portray Martin as an innocent “child” victim. And, even though they were sequestered, the jurors’ bus to the hotel was constantly exposed to hundreds of pro-conviction/pro-Trayvon Martin protesters outside the courtroom. The jurors surely must know that their lives might be in danger for being brave enough to make the right decision. And the jurors did the right thing in spite of disgusting tactics like that of the Trayvon Martin/Al Sharpton Channel a/k/a MSNBC showing and publishing photos of Trayvon Martin’s dead body, in an obvious attempt to sway the jury and affect the verdict. As I noted on Twitter yesterday (follow me on Twitter), it’s interesting that the government and the media have no problem releasing those photos while we still cannot see the Bin Laden death photos.

George Zimmerman does not win here. He will forever be branded a racist, a bigot, and a killer by at least half the court of public opinion. He can be–and probably will be–sued in civil court by the Martin family. And this will cost him a lot of money, even if he makes money in a book deal and/or appearances. Good luck to him in getting a job. The employer who hires him will be brave, indeed, because that employer and Zimmerman will be under a state of constant harassment. That will be Zimmerman’s life for many years to come. Sadly, he will not be safe. He has a number of threats on his life from the animals of this country. So how free is he when he has to live in hiding and cannot earn a living? Sadly, those who’ve made these threats on his life are on the same side as David Horowitz and Rich Lowry, brain-addled National Review Editor (as I’ve noted on this site) and Michael Savage.
And then there is still that nuclear option that I wrote about here on Friday: the Obama administration can still prosecute Zimmerman for “violating” Trayvon Martin’s civil rights and is considering it. We know he did no such thing. But, as I’ve noted, the Justice Department used federal charges to go after the police accused of beating Rodney King and with the men who beat Vincent Chin to death, after they’d already been tried in local courts.
We’ll see. Stay tuned.
But for now, at least we can say the jury system worked.
If Barack Obama had a son that looked like Trayvon Martin, the man who defended himself against Barack III’s violence would be acquitted as he was today.
One other thing:
Buh-Bye, “Precious”! Your 15 Minutes Are Up . . .

Tags: George Zimmerman, George Zimmerman not guilty, George Zimmerman verdict, Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman acquittal, Zimmerman acquitted, zimmerman not guilty, Zimmerman Trial, Zimmerman verdict
Uh, oh, Debbie’s REALLY going to piss off some people now, mainly the FemiNazis. She just changed her description from “White Jew, Creepy Ass Cracker,” to “White Jew, Creepy Ass Cracker-ette.” Oops, gender neutral now, gender neutral. You know, how Jennifer Lowlife-Pez and Eva Not So Long-oria on Brains are referred to as actors, instead of actresses?
Alfredo from Puerto Rico on July 14, 2013 at 4:25 pm