September 5, 2013, - 12:00 pm
John Sandweg: Obama’s New Immigration Chief’s “Experience” is Defending Child Molesters, Wife Beaters, Drunk Drivers, Terrorists
Several weeks before John Sandweg quietly assumed the job as Acting Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the largest agency within Homeland Security, I was contacted by several top ICE officials warning me that this wet-behind-the-ears, completely unqualified person was about to take the reins. And sure enough, this FoJ (Friend of Janet–Napolitano), whose only experience is about a decade as a young lawyer, is now in charge of the agency which is supposed to enforce immigration law . . . but isn’t. Even worse, Sandweg has zero experience in law enforcement . . . unless you count his “experience” defending murderers, child molesters, wife beaters, and drunk drivers as a criminal defense attorney in Arizona, from where the Lesbionic woman, Napolitano, scooped him up from the state’s Democrat hacktivists.

Career ICE agents are aghast that Sandweg, who never even served as a prosecutor and has never engaged in any sort of law enforcement (several years of law enforcement experience are required for the job), is now running their agency. In his late 30s, Sandweg is known for defending Democrat Arizona State Senator Mark DeSimone after DeSimone hit his wife, cut her lip, and was charged with domestic violence. Not sure how this qualifies Sandweg to “run” ICE, unless you take into account the fact that many illegal aliens also engage in domestic violence repeatedly, and yet, THEY. ARE. STILL. HERE.
But, wait, there’s more. Sandweg also defended drunk driver Laura Varker, who killed her friend after her Yukon Denali hit another car and flipped over. I’m sure Sandweg advised her not to wear the “Cinco de Drinko” t-shirt she was photographed wearing on the day of her drunk driving spree. Again, how does this “experience” qualify John Sandweg to run ICE? Perhaps it’s the fact that many illegal aliens never deported by ICE are also drunk drivers who kill Americans. But that’s a stretch.
Sandweg has also defended terrorists and child molesters. But, again, now he has a rich body of experience in the activity of illegal aliens, right?
There is really only one reason John Sandweg is heading up ICE–which he could lead for a year or more, until Barack Obama chooses to nominate a new ICE chief to be confirmed by the Senate. And that reason is Napolitano. While she left to run colleges in California, she put Sandweg in this position so she can still have her grubby masculine hands in the game. Sandweg owes her for saving him from a life of sleazy lawyering and putting him in cushy 9-5 jobs in Washington. Now, he gets ICE bodyguards to guard and chauffeur him around as he pleases, instead of defending rich spoiled brats in crimes of violence in Arizona.
If Republicans really wanted to do something about this, they’d threaten to defund ICE or withhold some of its gazillion-dollar funding, until an actual suitable immigration chief–with actual law enforcement experience beyond defending rich criminals–was chosen and put into place. But, as you know, the Republicans are really paper tigers. They speak loudly and carry a toothpick. See Obamacare, Obama’s bloated budget, Obama’s plans to bomb Syria for no useful U.S. interest. With each of these, no matter what these fraudulent Republicans say, they never deliver. They just go along.
And, so, you can expect the incompetent, unqualified John Sandweg to continue running ICE . . . into the ground, for the next year or so, free of any scrutiny or obstacle whatsoever. It’s the Republicans’ job to be the loyal opposition.
Instead, they are the loyal whining wimps. And you voted for them . . . why?
One other thing: John Sandweg is a proud graduate of one of America’s top party schools, Arizona State University. Party On, America!
Tags: ICE, Immigration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Janet Napolitano, John Sandweg
It is like a nightmare. It just keeps getting worse and worse.
AR on September 5, 2013 at 12:05 pm