February 18, 2014, - 3:55 pm
I Just Threw Up in My Mouth: Famous Lib “Journalist” Brags About “Self-Love” w Her Vibrator
Dear Ghost of Dr. Kevorkian,
You forgot one.

I can feel my IQ sink ten points while watching this crap. . . . And, yet, this hag is regarded as one of “the great American journalists.” TMI, (non-)lady. TMI.
I guess in Baba Wawa speak it’s a vibwaytah.
Tags: ABC, Baba Wawa, Barbara Walters, Barbara Walters self-love, Barbara Walters vibrator, Barbra Walters, The View
Her model probably uses size 996 batteries. Just sayin…….
Gino on February 18, 2014 at 4:32 pm