Megyn Kelly Says “Maligners of” Trannies Must Be Punished, O.J. Lawyer Shapiro is “Rock Star”

Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Walters’

I Just Threw Up in My Mouth: Famous Lib “Journalist” Brags About “Self-Love” w Her Vibrator

Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Walters’

“View” Hags Attack Jews, Defend Miley Virus’ Anti-Semitism; Jenny McCarthy: “Jews Know How to Make Money; Whoopi: “Jews Controlled Music Industry”

Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Walters’

Oy Frickin’ Vey: Israeli Prez Shimon Peres on Yenta Hag-Fest, “The View”

Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Walters’

ABC “View” Hags Attack Orthodox Jews (Flashback: Walked Out When O’Reilly Said Muslims Did 9/11)

Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Walters’

INTERESTING Video: Facebook Graffiti Artist Becomes a Quarter Billionaire

Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Walters’

HILARIOUS VIDEO: Parody of Baba Wawa Interview w/ Her Assad Pal

Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Walters’

Baba Wawa Softpedals Her Friends, Syria’s Assads; Calls Them “Intelligent, Thoughtful, Lovely”

Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Walters’

Pot. Kettle. Black: Moron Whoopi Goldberg Calls Bachmann “Bonehead”

Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Walters’

ABC,”View” Hags Host Jew-Hating 9/11 Truther Nut to Defend Charlie Sheen

Posts Tagged ‘Barbara Walters’