November 17, 2014, - 4:45 pm
HUH?! Mom of ISIS-Beheaded American: “allah Will Prevail” (In Post-Beheading Press Conference)
What the bleep is wrong with these American mothers of ISIS beheadees? The mom of Peter Kassig a/k/a Abdul Rahman Kassig–newly separated from his head–is praising allah as “the one god” and saying he “will prevail.” HUHHHHHHH??????????? F-U, lady.
Bleepin’ Morons . . .

Parents of Peter Kassig a/k/a Abdul Rahman Engage in Islamic Prayer
Just as the plastic-surgery-afflicted mom of Joel Sotloff praised Islam and ISIS after the Islamic State beheaded her son, the mom of Peter Kassig a/k/a Abdul Rahman Kassig is praising Islam, too. And not only that but she’s praising Islam and claiming allah is the one true god inside a Methodist church. Well, I guess that makes sense, since the Methodist church regularly kisses Islamic ass.
Today, in a press conference at the Epworth United Methodist Church, Paula Kassig said:
Good will prevail as the One God of many names will prevail.
“The One God of many names” is a clear reference to the Muslim god, allah. Muslims believe that allah has 99 names, including “rahman,” the merciful, which is part of the Muslim name her son took for himself, “Abdul Rahman”–slave of the merciful. It’s incredible chutzpah that Paula Kassig had no problem praising the Muslim god, claiming he is “the one god,” and saying he will prevail right after Muslims murdered her son in the name of allah. It’s even more chutzpahdik to say so inside a Christian church. It’s bad enough that her son was embarrassed to have served as a U.S. Army Ranger and converted to Islam and moved to the Muslim Mid-East to repent. Now this crap. Digusting.
I would not be surprised if the Kassigs converted to Islam. Mrs. Kassig has repeatedly donned the Islamic headscarf. And she and her hubby have engaged in Islamic prayer. To Muslims, they are already considered Muslim by doing so.
Sadly, there are many Islamo-pandering Americans in our midst, and not just the parents of those beheaded by Muslims in the name of Islam.
The number of morons like Paula Kassig in America is growing, along with the number of fans of Kim Kardashian, and the shrinking of the pool of Americans with any common sense or decency. Watch for this decline to continue.
About the beheadee’s parents, I only have this to say: “Quelle surprise!” Unfortunately, this propagation of morons is all by design, by a super dumbed-down “educational” system that does not teach anything about American and world history, and warps impressionable minds with all sorts of politically-correct pablum. This is the unfortunate end result. And this is another factor why giving the vote to 18-year-olds in 1971 was as much a disaster for America as the 1969 Woodstock festival.
ConcernedPatriot on November 17, 2014 at 4:50 pm