SHARIA USA: Obama Navy Bans “Racy” Pin-Ups; Inspections to Examine Each Pin-Up to Decide if “Degrading, Offensive”

Posts Tagged ‘Navy’

San Fran City Leaders Consulted Ouija Board, Ghost of Dead Gay Guy for Advice

Posts Tagged ‘Navy’

Act of Valor OUTRAGE: Navy SEALs Movie’s Terrorist is . . . JEWISH (Tortures, Murders CIA Agents, Smuggles Jihadists into U.S.)

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What’s In US Navy “Training” on Gay Acceptance?

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Fuss Over Navy Ship Video is Much PC Ado ‘Bout Nothin’

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Taking Bets: How Many of These Women Will Be Pregnant by 2013?

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With Women, Obama Turning U.S. Navy Into “Village People’s” Navy

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Who Was Really Poking Whom in Eric Massa’s Shower?: Congressman’s History of “Shower Scenes”

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These Navy Sailors Sold Out America For a Few Thousand Bucks

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Michael Monsoor: Un-Hyphenated (Arab) American Hero; Americans Who Don’t Want to Be Known as Arabs: My Apology to Mayor Allan Mansoor

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