December 8, 2011, - 2:07 pm
HILARIOUS VIDEO: Parody of Baba Wawa Interview w/ Her Assad Pal
I’ve already given you my take on yesterday’s over-hyped Barbara Walters BS interview with Syrian President Bashar Assad a/k/a Bashir Assad. Now, check out this very funny parody someone made of the interview. Though, in my opinion, the person who made this was remiss in not mocking Baba Wawa, who begs to be mocked.

Watch the video . . .
Tags: Baba Wawa, Barbara Walters, Barbra Walters, Bashar Assad, Bashir Assad, funny, funny video, HILARIOUS, parody, Syria, video
Is that like the famous parody of Qaddafi? When I saw it, I knew it was all over for him. When a leader is no longer feared, he’s finished.
NormanF on December 8, 2011 at 2:29 pm