April 24, 2015, - 2:48 pm
Schlussel Flashback 2008: “Bruce Jenner a Post-Op-Transsexual”; Symbol of USA’s Post-Op Chickification
I was ahead of the curve nearly seven years ago in June 2008, when I called Bruce Jenner, a “post-op-transsexual,” on this site (not so ironically in a post about Barack Obama’s Presidential prospects).
From DebbieSchlussel.com June 25, 2008 . . .
Bruce Jenner & America Before . . .

Bruce Jenner & America After the Sex Change . . .

We don’t know if the former Bicentennial Wheaties Box symbol of American machismo has cut off his penis yet. But we do know he’s wearing athletic bras, dresses, lipstick, and nail polish. And that it will take two hours of advertising and Jenner’s “Me Too, Kardashians!” attention-whoring tonight on ABC’s “20/20” to say what we already know: that Bruce will soon become Brooke or Belinda or Marilyn or Chelsea after cutting his “meat and veggies” off. And it’s a sad symbol of the post-op chick that America has become. And of some of my theories of the dysmorphic, fame-whoring, dead nation we’ve become.
In 1976, America was at the top of the world. We were celebrating 200 years as a nation. And a Bicentennial is a special time for any nation, especially the one that at that time was the leader of the free world, the place where everyone wanted to be. Economic times were good, nobody ever heard of the Kardashians (most of them weren’t even born yet), there were no spoiled Internet billionaire liberals in hoodies, and a very hot, muscular guy named Bruce Jenner won the Olympic Gold Medal in the Decathlon. He was king of the world in not just one athletic event, but ten of them. He was the ultimate in American masculinity, with hair on his chest, on his legs, and on his underarms.
But, now, America–just like Bruce Jenner–is no longer the male, macho, strong, proud, leader it once was. Uncle Sam also got a sex change. We have a RuPaul-esque President who has the testicles of an amoeba (with apologies to amoebae). Uncle Sam now has breasts and shaves his, er . . . her legs and underarms. The gender-reassigned Aunt Sammie can’t protect its borders and is diseased with an illegal alien invasion, a growing Muslim cancer, and a welfare state infection. Like 65-year-old Bruce Jenner, it’s a dying corpse in its twilight years. Where once kids learned the three Rs and aspired to cure cancer or become doctors, they are now seeking to become famous, after learning the glories of the Three Ps: Pot, Porn, and Prostitution; and the Three KKs spawned by those Three Ps: Kim, Khloe, and Kourtney Kardashian and the Three Js spawned by their fame-whoring: Bruce, Kylie, and Kendall Jenner.
The thing is, we already have America’s most famous post-op transsexual, and she/he/it is running for President. Greedy Grifter Granny a/k/a Hillary Clinton used to be a woman (though only her OB/Gyn knows for sure). But after her sex change, she’s out-man-ing everybody else. Or, rather, pretending, too. Like Bruce Jenner’s transformation, her sex change is only skin deep and cosmetic. Jenner will still be a male in DNA and every other internal way, regardless of what disfiguring he pays plastic surgeons and nurses with hormone injection shots to do to him. And Hillary Clinton will always be the liberal chick with no balls that she always was, whether or not the Greedy Grifter Granny of the Clinton Mafia International Shakedown Foundation makes it back to her empty bed in the residence of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
And I have a theory about Bruce Jenner. He wasn’t always a chick in his mind, despite what he’s gonna tell you in two hours of commercialized psychobabble marketing on TV tonight. In 1976, when he won the Olympic Decathlon, he hadn’t yet had a lick of plastic surgery. But he soon got a nose job and wasn’t happy with it, so he kept getting more plastic surgery, a la Michael Jackson. And when men get more and more plastic surgery, they start to resemble cat ladies. And they start to act like them, too.
I doubt Bruce Jenner was the chick in his first two marriages. But he certainly was when he married manager/momager Kris Kardashian. He was a wimp. He was Mr. Mom. He didn’t do anything for a living. He didn’t act like a dad. And he allowed anything to go on in his household, including daughters Kylie and Kendall dancing on stripper poles as kids, because he wasn’t the man in that marriage. He had no say and never asserted any authority. In many ways, he’d already cut his penis and testicles off or at least surrendered them to the Kris Kardashian Jenner lock box. Being married to a Kardashian will do that to ya–make you a chick.
And now that he’s been divorced and thrown to the curb like yesterday’s Kardashian trash, he can’t handle that he’s no longer the most famous impotent dad and inept husband on TV. Or that he’s no longer on TV and nobody cares or even remembers his Decathlon feat unless they are in middle age or beyond. He/she’s thinking, “Hey, remember me, look at me, me, me, me, mememememememe.” And so the Bruce Jenner stars align: his attention-whoring addiction (he became a trained fame-junkie living with the Kardashians), his plastic surgery body dysmorphic disorder that now also afflicts America as a nation, and our newfound acceptance (Don’t Judge!) of all things deviant as the new normal. Hey, I think I’ll make it official and become the woman I’ve been in the Kardashian family for years.
CNN calls Jenner’s interview tonight, “America’s Transgender Moment.” But it’s not a moment, and it’s not new. Our country has been transgendering not just for years, but for more than a decade, as America has transgendered itself ever so quickly into godless, gay marriaged, Islamified, ISISified, sissified, liberal Europe.
America is infested with returning and wannabe ISIS terrorists and other dangerous Muslims, aliens and native-born alike. We’ve got a pretentious, chutzpahdik greedy granny grifter Arkansas Hillarybilly seeking to run this country and continue to take graft from her patrons. And our country is going down the tubes.
But tonight and beyond, our attention is focused on two hours of airtime dedicated to a “far more important” occurrence, refusing to face that it mirrors what we now willingly accept and who we’ve become: the already completed amputation of America’s balls and its continuing existence as nothing more than a dying crone.
It’s not that Bruce Jenner is saying sayonara to his cojones. It’s that we did that as a country a while ago and got used to it.
And now the operation is probably irreversible.
EXIT Question: How Long ‘Til Bruce Jenner Becomes the New Maybelline Cover Girl?
By the way, I note that Jenner’s interviewer in tonight’s overhyped two hours is Diane Sawyer. She already told us in an hour-long special that she’s against Americans having guns. Now, she’s celebrating American men amputating their guns. No surprise there.
I guess she’s consistent.
Her anti-gun “news” special was called, “If I Only Had a Gun.” Something the artist formerly known as Bruce might be thinking in a few years, when it’s too late. Or maybe it’s something he thought the entire time he chose to stay in the Kardashian train wreck.
Tags: Bruce Jenner, Bruce Jenner 20/20, Bruce Jenner Interview, Jenners, Kardashian-Jenners, Kardashians, Trannies, tranny, transgendered, transsexual, transsexuals
There are some stuff that I disagree with you on this, and they’re some points that you’ve made is a tad validated. For starters, this person, “Bruce Jenner” is more likely doing this for attention of his gender-change (there’s nothing wrong with changing your gender, it’s a psychological phenomenon), Mr. Jenner is only a “symptom” on elements of the culture of this country were it can be improved on, it doesn’t mean that the American culture as a generalization concept is mediocre.
You’ve also between the lines in the article included in a sentence of “godless, gay marriaged, liberal Europe, Islamified, ISISfied, etc.”, to be honest with you, I have no issues with liberalism (the meaning of liberalism stands for equality, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, republicanism, et al), the problem is “leftism” and those don’t have any comparisons with one-another. And Islam or ISIS has no conflations to godless, same-sex marriage (it’s a 14th Amendment issue under the “Equal Protection Clause” document in that amendment) or liberalism (and not much to conservatism either), but I understand that you’re making a little synopsis reference to your writing in the article.
Any event, Bruce Jenner isn’t the main problem with the country, he’s as I said at the start of the OT is only the “symptom”!
Sean R. on April 24, 2015 at 3:44 pm