November 30, 2015, - 8:45 am
WTF?!: ABC’s “Quantico” Says Jews, Israeli Are Terrorists, Not Muslims – EXCLUSIVE Tweet From Kapo Actor to Schlussel
Several months ago, when I first told you about “Quantico,” I told you the Jewish “right-wing Zionist” FBI agent would probably be the terrorist on the show and that the Muslim women would not be. Bingo! Last night on this horribly boring, incredibly messy and stupid show (which I’ve been monitoring for you), it turns out that Simon Asher (played by actor Tate Ellington) is the FBI agent who procured the bomb to blow up Grand Central. Oh, and of course, he’s not the only evil Jew involved. His friend, Oren, a religious Israeli Jew with a beard and side-curls (the facial hair of very religious Jewish men), is the bomb builder.
It’s incredibly outrageous, since Jews have never blown up buildings in New York. Um, remember 1993 and 9/11? Remember Times Square Bomber Faisal Shahzad? Clearly the “Quantico” makers missed it: that’s the domain of Muslims. Oh, and by the way, who just shot up Bataclan and a Vietnamese restaurant in Paris? The Jews? PUH-LEEZE.
In this ridiculous, unreal storyline, apparently Simon is upset with the FBI because he says it is “not serious” about justice. And he’s upset that his fellow FBI agent recruits have persecuted and attacked him for turning in an FBI profiler who faked evidence to falsely pin a murder on a serial killer whose other murders couldn’t be pinned on him. The serial killer was set free, and his fellow agents are angry at him. Uh-huh, yeah, that’s why someone would blow up Grand Central Station. Not for Islamic jihad, which is why these things really happen. Nope.
Shame on self-hating Jewish Israeli actors Yair Ben-Dor and Oded Fehr, secular leftists who care more about getting acting work and a paycheck, than doing the right thing and saying no to anti-Semitism and Jew-hatred. (Neither of these guys voted for Netanyahu’s Likud in the Israeli elections. I promise you that.) Ben-Dor plays Oren, the religious Jewish Israeli bomb-maker and co-conspirator in the terrorist attacks. Fehr plays a U.S. Government “interrogator” who tortures and is stopped by Marines with guns, another story line that attacks and impugns America’s very wimpy response to Islamic terrorism as being “too tough” and “inhumane.” We don’t do the things to terrorists that Fehr does on the show . . . unfortunately.
As I noted before on this site, “Quantico” portrayed the “Jewish conservative Zionist” and former member of the IDF, Simon Asher, as so disgusted with himself for participating in alleged Israeli “atrocities” in Gaza, that he pretended to be gay and sucked up to one of the Muslim FBI agents in order to date her. The two Muslim FBI agents are pure as the driven snow, of course, and having nothing to do with terrorism. Yeah, that’s realistic. Not. As I’ve noted on this site, time and again, the most prominent Muslim FBI agents working on terrorism cases, were traitors and tipped off their jihadi targets and fellow Muslims. Read about Gamal Abdel-Hafiz and Wilfred Rattigan. Remember Nada Nadim Al-Aouar DeLeDurataye Prouty? She’s the real-life FBI and CIA agent who was a spy for Hezbollah and pleaded guilty to it.
On Twitter (follow me on Twitter), I called out Ben-Dor and Fehr for participating in the anti-Semitic minstrel show called “Quantico.” While I never use the N-word against Black people, I now understand what “House-N-word” means, and Ben-Dor and Fehr are it. If we were back in 1940, they’d have willingly participated in the Nazi propaganda films of Leni Riefenstahl. We have a name for people like that: kapo. Ben-Dor’s wimpy, BS response was that the show isn’t real. Yeah, right. We know that. In real life, the terrorists who blow up New York are Muslims, not Jews. Thanks for the tip, Habibi.
Shame on Self-hating Israeli Jewish Actors @yairbendor & @odedfehr70 for acting on anti-Semitic minstrel show #Quantico #tcot #gop Bushah!
— Debbie Schlussel (@DebbieSchlussel) November 30, 2015
[“Bushah” means “Embarrassment” in Hebrew.]
To self-hating Israeli Jew actors @yairbendor & @odedfehr70 on Jewhating #Quantico: ??? ???????? ????????? (ur an embarrassment) #tcot #gop — Debbie Schlussel (@DebbieSchlussel) November 30, 2015
[The Hebrew part says, “You are a Huge Embarrassment.”]
Tweet This to self-hating Israeli actors @yairbendor & @odedfehr70 for acting on anti-Semitic #Quantico: ??? ???????? ????????? #tcot #gop
— Debbie Schlussel (@DebbieSchlussel) November 30, 2015
[The Hebrew part says, “You are a Huge Embarrassment.”]
. @yairbendor shame on you for playing Jewish bombmaking terrorist on #Quantico – ??? ???????? ????????? UR a Jewish House-N-word #gop #tcot — Debbie Schlussel (@DebbieSchlussel) November 30, 2015
[The Hebrew part says, “You are a Huge Embarrassment.”]
@DebbieSchlussel you must know the difference between television and real life. Also thanks for watching!
— Yair Ben-Dor (@yairbendor) November 30, 2015
(By the way, I must admit that I got Oded Fehr’s Twitter handle wrong, so he didn’t respond. His actual Twitter handle is just @OdedFehr.)
. @yairbendor Ah, so u enjoy acting in Hitler propaganda? ??? ???????? ????????? Shame on U. Look Up Leni Riefenstahl #tcot #gop — Debbie Schlussel (@DebbieSchlussel) November 30, 2015
[The Hebrew part says, “You are a Huge Embarrassment.”]
. @yairbendor ?? ???????
— Debbie Schlussel (@DebbieSchlussel) November 30, 2015
[That’s Hebrew for “F— Off/Go F— Yourself.” I should have written
which is a better way of saying “Go F— Yourself.” But he got the point.]
That it’s not “real,” is exactly the point. The mindless idiots who watch this show believe what they see in pop culture. They believe this is real: that Jews–“right-wing Zionists” and religious Jews–are terrorists. This is the same message you see in propaganda throughout the Islamic world every single day: that Jews are the terrorists, that they created ISIS, and other similarly flat-out baloney. It’s the same kind of anti-Semitic propaganda the Third Reich regularly put out to justify the Holocaust. And the silly show is soooo damned predictable, I predicted the “right-wing Zionist Jew who served in the IDF” would be the terrorist. Not rocket science to figure out these leftists in Hollywood, including the self-hating Jew who created and writes the show.
Yair Ben-Dor and Oded Fehr will rot in hell for participating in Reich-esque propaganda against their fellow Jews. They may be enjoying their secular, easy Hollywood high life for now. But they’ll get theirs in the end.
ABC . . . Anti-Semitic Biased Crap.
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
Tags: ABC Quantico, anti-Semitism, Israel, Oded Fehr, Quantico, Quantico anti-Israel, Quantico anti-Semitic, Simon Asher, Yair Ben-Dor
Hi Debbie,
I never thought the show “Quantico” was all that good anyway. Never ran across any anti-Semitic Jews either until you pointed it out. Unreal!!!
Peter Wilks on November 30, 2015 at 10:38 am